一、主持课题 1. 国家社科基金一般项目(后期资助):微观技术创新扩散驱动下区域经济结构演化建模及政策评估研究,2023/01-2023/12,在研,主持 2. 国家自然科学基金项目(青年项目):中国应对产业发展不平衡不充分的区域创新治理:基于agent模拟的研究,2019/01-2021/12,已结题、主持。 3. 浙江省软科学计划一般项目:浙江应对区域经济发展不平衡不充分的创新治理研究,2020/01-2021/12,已结题、主持。 4. 中国博士后科学基金第66批面上资助项目:环境规制、技术创新与中国区域间隐含能源转移,2019/11-2021/07,已结题、主持。 5. 教育部人文社科基金青年项目:微观创新扩散驱动我国区域产业发展的动力学机制及政策仿真研究,2018/09-2020/12,已结题、主持。 6. 浙江省社科规划一般课题:我国区域间碳排放转移的空间演化特征、影响因素及其应对策略研究,2017/09-2019/06,已结题、主持。 7. 杭州市社科规划重点课题:“浙江省水污染防治行动计划”实施效果的调查与评估:以杭州为例,2017/12-2018/06,已结题、主持。 8. 浙江省供销社委托课题:浙江省供销社集体资产监督管理的理论基础及其相关条例修改研究,2019/12-2020/12,已结题、主持。
二、著作 1. 钟章奇. 微观技术创新扩散驱动下区域经济结构演化建模及政策评估研究. 科学出版社. 2023 2. 陈志建, 钟章奇, 刘晓. 空间分异下碳排放转移机制、碳排放权分配及政策模拟研究. 经济科学出版社. 2018.(获得2019年江西省哲学社会科学成果三等奖) 3. Zhong Z, Thill J C, Sun Y, Wang Z. Carbon emissions embodied in trade and urban regional climate policy-making in the Shanghai mega-region//Innovations in Urban and Regional Systems. Springer, Cham, 2020.
三、已发表的部分学术论文 1. Zhong Z, Huang R, Tang Q, et al. China’s provincial CO2 emissions embodied in trade with implications for regional climate policy[J]. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2015, 9(1): 77-90. 2. Zhong Z , He L, Wang Z. Geographic sources and the structural decomposition of emissions embodied in trade by Chinese megacities: The case of Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2017, 158: 59-72. 3. Zhong Z, Jiang L, Zhou P. Transnational transfer of the emissions embodied in trade: Characteristics and determinants from a spatial perspective[J]. Energy, 2018, 147: 858-875. 4. He L Y, Zhong Z*(Corresponding author), Yin F, et al. Impact of energy consumption on air quality in Jiangsu province of China[J]. Sustainability, 2018. 10(1): 94. 5. Zhong Z, Zhang X, Shao W. Measuring global energy-related sulfur oxides emissions embodied in trade: A multi-regional and multi-sectoral analysis[J]. Natural Hazards, 2019, 1: 401-418. 6. Zhong Z, Hu Y, Jiang L. Impact of climate change on agricultural total factor productivity based on spatial panel data model: Evidence from China[J]. Sustainability, 2019, 11, 1516. 7. He L, Zhang L, Zhong Z*(Corresponding author), et al. Green credit, renewable energy investment and green economy development: Empirical analysis based on 150 listed companies of China[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 208: 363-372. 8. Chen Z, Ni W, Xia L, Zhong Z*(Corresponding author). Structural decomposition analysis of embodied carbon in trade in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(1): 816-832. 9. He L, Wu M, Zhong Z*(Corresponding author), et al. Can monetary policy affect renewable energy enterprises investment efficiency? A case study of 92 listed enterprises in China[J]. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. 2019, 11, 015903. 10. He L, Liu R, Zhong Z*(Corresponding author), et al. Can green financial development promote renewable energy investment efficiency? A consideration of bank credit[J]. Renewable Energy, 2019, 143: 974-984. 11. Jiang L, He S, Zhong Z*(Corresponding author), et al. Revisiting environmental Kuznets curve for carbon dioxide emissions: The role of trade[J]. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2019, 50: 245-257. 12. Zhong Z, Zhang X, Bao Z. Spatial characteristics and driving factors of global energy-related sulfur oxides emissions transferring via international trade[J]. Journal of Environmental Management. 2019, 249: 109370. 13. Hu Y, Jiang H Y, Zhong Z*(Corresponding author). Impact of green credit on industrial structure in China: theoretical mechanism and empirical analysis[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 1: 1-14. 14. Zhong Z, Zhang X, Gao W. Spatiotemporal evolution of global greenhouse gas emissions transferring via trade: Influencing factors and policy implications[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020, 17(14): 5065. 15. Chen Z, Liu Y, Zhang Y, Zhong Z*(Corresponding author). Interregional economic spillover and carbon productivity embodied in trade: Empirical study from the Pan-Yangtze River Delta Region. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2021, 28: 7390-7403. 16. Zhong Z, He L Y. Macro-regional economic structural change driven by micro-founded technological innovation diffusion: An agent-based computational economic modeling approach. Computational Economics. 2021: 1-55. 17. Zhong Z, Guo Z, Zhang J. Does the participation in global value chains promote interregional carbon emissions transferring via trade? Evidence from 39 major economies[J]. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2021, 169: 120806. 18. Li S, Yang Y, Zhong Z, et al. Agent-based modeling of spatial spillover effects in visitor flows[J]. Journal of Travel Research, 2021, 60(3): 546-563. 19. Zhong Z, Chen Z, He L. Technological innovation, industrial structural change, and carbon emission transferring via trade: An agent-based modeling approach. Technovation. 2022, 110: 102350. 20. Chen Z, Zhou C, Zhao Y, Zhong Z*(Corresponding author). Does political resource endowment promote carbon productivity? A case study of counties along the Long March areas in China[J]. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2022, 93: 106739. 21. Zhong Z, Chen Z, Deng X. Dynamic changes of virtual water transfers for Chinese 30 provinces: Driving factors and optimal regulation. Water Resources and Economics. 2022, 39: 100203. 22. Pan A, Zhang W N, Zhong Z*(Corresponding author). How does FDI affect cities’ low-carbon innovation? The moderation effect of smart city development. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. 2023, 59(4): 1247-1261. 23. Deng X, Huang Y, Zou J, Zhong Z*(Corresponding author). Domestic outsourcing characteristics and driving forces of the virtual water trade in Zhejiang Province, eastern China. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2023, 1: 1-25. 24. Zhong X, Lu Y, Zhong Z*(Corresponding author). Did regional coordinated development policy mitigate carbon emissions? Evidence from the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 1: 1-25.
1.钟章奇, 李山, 王铮等. 中国旅游业空间分异的ABS分析[J]. 地理研究, 2014, 33(8):1427-1441. 2. 钟章奇, 李山, 张秀云等. 旅游者中位年龄的几个市场指示意义[J]. 旅游学刊, 2013, 28(7): 73-81. 3. 钟章奇, 孙翊, 刘晓等. 城市贸易隐含碳排放的计算—以上海市为例[J]. 热带地理, 2015, 35(6): 785-796. 4. 钟章奇, 吴静, 徐爱文等. 中国各省区旅游业碳排放初步估算及区域差异[J]. 世界地理研究, 2016, 25(1): 83-94. 5. 钟章奇, 夏海斌, 孙翊等. 全球气候变化下中国农业生产潜力的空间演变[J]. 自然资源学报, 2015, 30(12): 2018-2032. 6. 赵金彩, 钟章奇*(通讯作者), 卢鹤立等. 基于夜间灯光的城市居民直接碳排放及影响因素——以中原经济区为例[J]. 自然资源学报, 2017, 32(12): 2100-2114. 7. 陈玉龙, 钟章奇*(通讯作者), 吴乐英等. 中国可再生能源消费、对外贸易和碳排放的关系[J]. 软科学. 2017, 31(9): 49-52. 8. 钟章奇, 张旭. 微观企业创新驱动下中国产业结构演化的ABS分析[J]. 演化与创新经济评论, 2017, 2: 86-99. 9. 钟章奇, 王铮. 创新扩散与全球产业结构优化—基于Agent模拟的研究[J]. 科学学研究. 2017, 35(4): 611-624. 10. 钟章奇, 吴乐英, 陈志建等. 区域碳排放转移的演变特征与结构分解及减排对策分析—以河南省为例[J]. 地理科学, 2017, 37(5): 773-782. 11. 钟章奇, 周海峰, 李琴.《浙江省水污染防治行动计划》实施效果的调查与评估—以钱塘江流域下游工业区为例[J]. 杭州学刊, 2018, 3:70-81. 12. 钟章奇, 张旭,何凌云等. 区域间碳排放转移、贸易隐含碳结构与合作减排—来自中国30个省区的实证分析[J]. 国际贸易问题, 2018, 6(8): 60-75. 13. 钟章奇, 姜磊, 何凌云等. 基于消费责任制核算的全球碳排放及其环境压力分析[J]. 地理学报, 2018, 73(3): 442-459. 14. 钟章奇. 创新扩散驱动下的全球产业结构进化—基于Agent的模拟[J]. 科研管理, 2020. 2: 94-103. 15. 钟章奇, 何凌云. 演化经济视角下技术创新扩散驱动的区域产业结构演化:一个新的理论分析框架[J]. 经济问题探索, 2020, 4: 1-10. 16. 钟章奇,陆扬,刘志雄.城市群规划政策的实施能否缩小非中心城市与中心城市间的经济差距?—来自中国283个城市的证据[J].地理研究, 2023,42(4):1050-1069. |
1. 陈志建, 钟章奇, 刘晓. 空间分异下碳排放转移机制、碳排放权分配及政策模拟研究. 经济科学出版社. 2018.(获得2019年江西省哲学社会科学成果三等奖) 2. 李山,杨旸,钟章奇,唐晓莉,基于Agent建模的旅游流空间溢出效应研究(英文)。(获得2022年中国旅游研究院,文化和旅游优秀研究成果二等奖) 3. Chen Z, Zhou C, Zhao Y, Zhong Z*(Corresponding author). Does political resource endowment promote carbon productivity? A case study of counties along the Long March areas in China[J]. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2022, 93: 106739. (获得2023年江西省哲学社会科学成果三等奖) |
本科生:宏观经济学、微观经济学、政治经济学、城市经济学、投入产出分析 研究生:人口资源环境经济学理论与方法、区域经济学理论与方法、经济计算与模拟方法