China’s Dazzling Transport-infrastructure Growth: Measurement and Effects
一、讲座题目:China’s Dazzling Transport-infrastructure Growth: Measurement and Effects
四、主讲人:Peter H. Egger 苏黎世联邦理工学院教授
主持人:刘琳 tyc7111cc太阳成集团
Transportation infrastructure is particularly important for large economies and is a major force in helping an economy develop from poverty and backwardness to high growth. Accordingly, this paper first compiles the largest and most comprehensive existing dataset based on the annual road and rail atlas of China, then formulates and calibrates a multi-regional general equilibrium model of the (open) Chinese economy by documenting stylized facts about the evolution of transport infrastructure in China between 2000 and 2013 to understand associated changes in income and population distribution across China, and finally the paper also decomposes the impact of transportation infrastructure into four major channels and network types and uses counterfactual analysis to assess the direction and importance of each channel and network type, as well as the overall effect of infrastructure investments. The study finds that investments in road and rail networks have contributed to regional integration by relocating population from large centers to medium-sized prefectures in central China. The reduced goods-transport costs and greater dissipation of technology contribute the lion’s share to the change. Reduced population mobility costs and increased amenity access partially offset each other, so that their net effect appears relatively less important.
Peter H. Egger,男,苏黎世联邦理工学院教授、国际著名经济学家。他的研究领域主要集中在计量经济学的理论和应用,同时涵盖国际和区域经济学(跨国公司、重力模型、经济一体化、新经济地理学)的理论和应用、产业组织和跨国公司等方面。他的学术成果丰硕,截至目前,已经在American Economic Review、American Economic Journal: Microeconomics、American Economic Journal: Economic Policy、Journal of International Economics、Journal of Comparative Economics等国际知名的主流杂志发表论文200余篇。同时,他还担任国际经济学著名SSCI 期刊Review of International Economics的主编,也是美国经济协会、奥地利经济协会等知名经济协会的成员之一。