Exporting, Abatement, and Firm-Level Emissions: Evidence from China’s Accession to the WTO
一、讲座题目:Exporting, Abatement, and Firm-Level Emissions: Evidence from China’s Accession to the WTO
四、主讲人:谭用 副教授
主持人:孙楚仁 教授
This paper studies the complementarity between exporting and abatement and their jointimpact on the environmental performance of Chinese manufacturers. For two commonair pollutants (SO2 and industrial dust) we document that (a) exporters are significantly less emissions-intensive relative to their non-exporting counterparts and (b) this difference cannot be explained by differential rates of abatement alone. We argue that the standard heterogeneous firms, trade and emissions model cannot simultaneously match these stylized facts and propose a model which allows for export-driven emission-complementarities(such as technological upgrading). Treating WTO-accession as a sharp reduction in trade barriers across countries, we quantify the impact of endogenous export and abatement decisions on firm-level emissions. We find that exporting reduces SO2 emissions by at least 36 percent across pollutants. Observable changes in product scope, capital-vintage, energy sourcing and R&D account for 75 percent of the empirical relationship between exporting and emissions. Abatement, in contrast, has a much smaller impact on emissions between 1999 and 2005. Using the structural model we quantify the implied emissions taxes and the impact of trade and environmental policy alternatives on the Chinese manufacturing sector.
谭用,南京财经大学国际经贸学院副教授,美国范德堡大学研究员,主要研究为国际贸易、产业组织。目前的研究侧重于异质性贸易理论以及动态结构性模型。他的研究也涉及到市场结构、汇率波动对于企业行为的影响。曾在《世界经济》、Economics of Transition、Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization、Review of International Economics等国际知名期刊发表论文,曾参与主持国家自然科学基金青年项目以及教育部重大招标课题等重大课题。