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发布:2016-06-12 10:06 来源: 点击数:



主讲人:Peijie Wang

讲座主题:Triangular PPP,Theoretical perspectivesand empirical evidence  


讲座内容:We propose a triangular PPP analytical framework in this paper, which is theoretically justified and empirically validated. The peg of the RMB to the US dollar causes a triangular PPP effect that the dollar euro exchange rate is not a function of the relative prices in the US and Euroland; instead, it becomes a function of the relative prices in PRC and Euroland. The results are supportive of triangular PPP for the dollar euro exchange rate in a three-economy world of the US, Euroland and PRC.  


CURRENT APPOINTMENTSProfessor of Finance, University of Plymouth. Associate Head of School (Research), Plymouth Business School. Head of Accounting and Finance, Plymouth Business School

QUALIFICATIONSBSc (Telecommunications, Southeast), MA (Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong), PhD (Financial Economics, Manchester)

WORK EXPERIENCEPrior to the current appointment, I was Professor of Finance at University of Hull. I also held faculty and visiting appointments at UMIST, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, IéSEG (Full Professor of Finance and then Affiliate Professor), Kinston, Reading, and City Universities, and worked as an economic consultant at SUBSL.

MEMBERSHIP OF LEARNED SOCIETIESFellow of Royal Statistical Society Founder Member of International Real Estate Society I have been actively involved in scholarly activities externally and am associated with a number of learned societies.

RESEARCH INTERESTSInternational finance and monetary economics, international business management, corporate finance, financial markets, and real estate.

TEACHING AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENTInternational finance and economics, financial modelling and finance theory, corporate finance, investments, real estate investments, and econometrics. I have taught various causes and modules in these areas at all levels of undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education.



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